Our Beliefs…

We Believe… God Is the Father
We Believe… Jesus Christ is true man and the Son of God.
We Believe… The Holy Spirit is a divine person, sent from God to the earth to live in man.
We Believe… The Old and New Testaments are God’s divinely inspired words.
We Believe… All have sinned and are in need of salvation.
We Believe… Salvation has been provided through Jesus Christ for all people
We Believe… Once saved, Believers are to be baptized in water as an outward sign of their inward commitment to Jesus.
We Believe… By confessing their sins to God, every Believer will be forgiven.
We Believe… It is the will of God that every Believer be filled with the Holy Spirit and speak in new tongues.
We Believe… Healing is provided in the redemptive work of Jesus and is available to every Believer.
We Believe… Every Believer is to grow up in the Lord through the study of the Bible, prayer, and the renewing of the mind.

Our Vision…

At Restoring the Years Global Ministries, we are committed to developing a multi-ethnic mass of people who will impact their world with Kingdom living. Within a 10-year time frame our vision is to:
Build a 5,000 seat family worship center
Institute a creative learning center (grades 4-12)
Establish an international missions and ministry training school designed to train and develop those called to international missions and ministry.
Establish a counseling center specializing in providing professional help for those dealing with family, marital, and abuse issues.
Establish a relationship with prison systems and incorporate prison ministry outreach
Increase evangelical outreach in the community.

Our Mission…

Restoring the Years Ministries determines to infuse the life of each congregant by renewing their minds to the word of God, bringing balance in their spirit, soul and body. This is accomplished through the avenues of:
Restoring the Years Global Ministries seeks to reach a disillusioned and hurting world and to declare that the trumpet must be blown in Zion and the alarm sounded for all believers to take their rightful position within the kingdom of God. The goal is to evangelize to the world through God’s resurrection power and divine demonstration. We aim to fully allow the zeal and passion of God to consume and heal the lost and fragmented believers within the body of Christ.• Increase evangelical outreach in the community.