You have a crucial role in changing the world for Jesus. Will you join us?
Prayer isn’t your last resort — it’s your best hope! By talking to God, you tap into his power to alter circumstances and transform lives. That’s why prayer is the starting point for everything. On your own, you can do nothing. But when you’re with the Lord, anything is possible. Things will happen when you pray that do not happen if you don’t.
Pray with Us!
While there are many good causes you could support, only one has eternal consequences: the gospel. There are places in the world where people still haven’t heard Jesus’ name — but you can change that. Your help is vital to making sure that every person has the chance to respond to Jesus’ love. By giving, you actively send the gospel to the ends of the earth.
If every believer on earth shared Jesus with just three people, the whole world would hear the gospel! It’s as simple of seeing Jesus — his love, his truth, his power — and then telling your neighbors what you saw. When your encounter with Jesus becomes your identity, a witness isn’t just something you do. It’s something you are. Go and make disciples.